Monday, August 4, 2014

Free Apple Rings

I mentioned in our crab apple jelly post that we used a few Gravenstein apples to make cider for the jelly. Those apples came to us for free courtesy of the vacant lot next door.

Kyle cleared his annual apple picking with the owners of the lot a few years ago and every year when the apples ripen he heads over and picks a haul. This year truly was a haul at 7.5 gallons, or according to Kyle, just shy of a bushel.
Gravensteins are a summer apple deemed good for cooking due to their tartness. They're quite old having been discovered in 1669 in Denmark. The tree next door is huge! They seem to bear fruit more heavily every other year and this year is a big year.
Kye had the dehydrator working over time for a few days. In hot weather he sets it out on the porch as not to heat up the house any further. Each batch took three to six hours to dehydrate.
The girls love dehydrated apple ring! We've got at least two pounds of dried apple rings stashed in the fridge. Eventually we'll move that to our second fridge or freezer (in the shop) for the winter, but right now the apple rings are novel and new and a fantastic easy snack option.

Kyle hasn't yet picked the tree clean, so there may be another story to tell about Gravenstein apple sauce. Stay tuned for that!

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